In order to control and oversight over communication activities within the prison premises, Synergie Network has implemented a comprehensive solution. This solution centres around the deployment of a stationary 24/7 Monitoring unit within the prison premises. Real-time Monitoring of Communication Services: The Monitoring unit is equipped to provide live feeds to its backend server, offering real-time data on call, SMS, and internet activity within the prison premises. Our team of experienced engineers designs and deploys customized monitoring solutions tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client.

Key benefits and features

Project Objective Understanding

✔ Enable 24/7 monitoring of the T-HCBS in prison premises.

✔ Provide real-time monitoring and analysis of the T-HCBS effectiveness in blocking Incoming/outgoing calls, SMS, and data services.

✔ Provide centralized monitor at the Prison Headquarters to monitor the efficacy of T HCBS performance.

✔ Alert notifications to concerned SPOC with the cell ID and communication channel.

Initial coverage verification with walk-test

After the successful installation of the T-HCBS site, our team conducts a thorough walk test activity utilizing our advanced software. This process meticulously records the existing signals available, encompassing both dominant and neighbouring site coverage.

Identify Spot to install Monitoring unit based on Walk Test Result

The data gathered through this activity serves as a crucial foundation for pinpointing optimal locations for the installation of monitoring units, prioritizing areas with a high number of neighbouring cell counts.

24x7 Monitoring

Drawing upon our analysis derived from the aforementioned activities, we proceed with the installation of our monitoring software, employing cutting-edge mobile devices capable of seamlessly connecting to all available bands utilized by the respective Telecom Service Providers